Give Away for my Followers

Been working on this for a while
but I just can't work on only one project, 
so it took some time before I finished
My first Give Away!!! :)

Since we have summertime now
I thought it would be nice to offer you
a bit of a summer feeling ;)
I hope you enjoy my Beach Style gifts...

(click on the photos to enlarge)

All the minis are 1:12 and handmade by me
The tiny seashells and sea glass
I have found on the beach near my house :)
(Sea glass is glass that has been tumbled and smoothed 
by the waves, water and sand, 
creating smooth, frosted shards of glass)

Some more photos...

How to win this Give Away?

1: Be a Follower or become a Follower.

2: Leave a comment at this post 
to let me know you want to participate.

I would appreciate it if you would put a link to my give-away 
on your blog, but it is not required.

You can enter until the 1th of May.

Good luck everyone! ;)
And thank you sooo much for your interest in my blog! :)

Jollie and Aivie


by Sonya zei…
Wow Jollie!Your Give away is fantastic!I love sea theme!My home is full of shells!
I hope to win this fantastic prize!Thanks for this great opportunity!I put the banner in my blog immidiatly!
Hi Jollie! I would love to participate in your summertime giveaway and thank for share with us a little bit of summer,I miss it so much! I'll put the link on my blog, mini regards.
Margriet zei…
ooooooooooooooh, wat mooi allemaal!! Geweldig gemaakt Jollie en ik doe zeker mee...deze give-away wil ik wel winnen LOL
Anoniem zei…
Wow what a lovelt giveaway, could use all that in my beach house i am going to be starting soon, as my summer prject, its ownderful, plz can i be included, youve made me feel all summery now xx
BiWuBär zei…
Summer feeling for free included to the very lucky winner... You've made the most lovely minis for this occasion, especially this mobile is fantastic - I would go mad with all those tiny knots... Please count me in - I'll link your giveaway on my blog next.

sylvia zei…
Geweldig, wat mooi allemaal!!!
Ik wil zeker meedoen en zal vanmiddag even een link op mijn blog zetten.

Liefs Syl
malu2 zei…
Que sorteo mas precioso, me gustaría participar,
ahora te publico en mi blog,yo tambien tengo mi sorteo!!!!!bESOS.
Unknown zei…
I just adore your great work and art with minis, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog !!!
I would love to participate in your giveaway.
Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us.
Have a nice day!!
Beatriz Martin
Teruka zei…
What a cute items!! I love the horse sea!!
Please count me in!!
About Me zei…
I love the beach style pieces you have worked and am happy to join your giveaway event. Please must count me in. :-)
Greetings, Oiseau
rosanna zei…
Jollie, thank you very much, it's lovely and so fresh and summery. I truly love it.Have a nice day, Rosanna
Anoniem zei…
oooooooooooooooo these are fabulous!!! please count me in :D Linda x
Julie zei…
What a wonderful summery giveaway - just what we need after such a long winter! Please count me in!
Diny zei…
Hee Jollie
Ik ben geboren in Den Helder en dus ook dol op strand! Ik wil graag meedoen.
Ik woon nu in het zuiden des lands en mis het strand wel een beetje.
Ik heb ook nieuws over mijn give-away!
Een kansje extra, bezoek mijn poppenblog.
Groetjes, Diny
Sans! zei…
Jollie, I have caught up with your posts and saw the many wonderful gifts that you have received. And now, you have made presented a most delightful giveaway! How can I say no? That seashells mobile is absolutely wonderful! So clever and so effective! Even if I don't win it, you have given me an idea on how to make a seashell mobile :). Thank you for your generosity , dear!
CWPoppets zei…
Would love to be entered in your give-away! Thanks!
Lainie zei…
Nice Giveaway! I've been wanting to do a beach house so bad. Now you've inspired me:~)
klara zei…
Oh wat leuk, natuurlijk doe ik graag mee.
Kathi zei…
OH I just KNOW you made these things for ME!!!! I love the windchime! How very clever!
I can see it hanging on the porch of my beach house right now! :D
Thank you for making such wonderful things AND for giving them away!!!!!
Please count me in!
kibbygirl zei…
What beautiful things you have made for this giveaway! So nice to see some summer now too.
Obrigada pela oportunidade Jollie! Os presentes são lindos! Adoraria participar! Beijinho
Publiquei o seu sorteio.
Narán zei…
Que premio tan veraniego y bonito.
Me gustaría participar.

Besos Narán
The Old Maid zei…
Beautiful miniatures Jollie!Please count me in too:)
Minimami zei…
Such wonderful giveaway, please coun´t me in!
Maija zei…
What a wonderful summery giveaway -
Please count me in! Hugs!
Maisa zei…
What a wonderful giveaway! Please count me in! =)
Piikko zei…
Oh,what a beautiful items you've made!
I want to go to the beach now!!! I would love to participate your beach giveaway.
Please count me in! Hugs, piikko
Britt zei…
It´s a very lovely give-away.
So I want tp participate it.
I put a link on my blog
ultsu zei…
I just found your blog, became a follower and would LOVE to participate on your gorgeous giveaway. I also added a linkg to your giveaway on my blog's sidebar
Iris zei…
What a wonderful giveaway! Please count me in!
Cazro zei…
Hi I am happy to become a follower. I have started a blog to record my properties, hope you will be able to spare time to pop in. Your blog is wonderful, I love your creations. Caz
Eva zei…
¡Que regalo tan precioso!. Me encantaría participar en el sorteo. Lo publico en mi blog. Un saludo, Eva
b_e_i_s_ zei…
I would love to participate!
Please count me in!
Thank you!!
Greetings from Spain
What a lovely GiveAway :)
Please, count me in.
*your new follower, HoO from Finland*
Jollie, que minis más bonitas!!!, me encantará participar en tu sorteo. Cuelgo la noticia en mi blog. Besos.
Sharon zei…
Please enter me in your giveaway, I'm collecting for my future beach house and your gifts would be great!
poser zei…
I would love to be in your giveaway, Your work is beautiful.
anja zei…
Beautyful things you`ve made. I`ll take part in your give away. The seahorse is amazing how you`ve find out what to do with it. Maybe I`ll do the same with my own.
Jollie, this is a giveaway that makes me dream, I love the sea. It brings back memories of summer.
Please, count me in.
Nipsu zei…
Hei, I would love to participate! :)
A Beautiful giveaway, please count me in.
Fabiola zei…
Fantastic giveaway! I love the summer season.
Bye Fabiola
Blumbärchen zei…
bin durch Zufall auf Deiner Seite gelandet und habe mich als lserein inzwischen eingetragem da ich gern an Deinem Give-away mitmachen möchte!

Harriet zei…
Oh, what a beautifull giweaway.

Your new follower; Yeanna, Finland
Ascension zei…
Que preciosos regalos de sorteo, serian perfectos para hacer una escena de verano.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Kim zei…
what a wonderful giveaway Jollie! The little windchime is just amazing!
Bridget zei…
What a beautiful little set! Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of your giveaway. It is putting me in the mood for summer!

Mini hugs,
Lotte zei…
What an amazing giveaway! I´d like to participate <3
erika zei…
noooo fa-vo-lo-so!!!!adoro cio' che parla di mare....speriamo....ciao
Rosella zei…
Thanks for this great opportunity!I am a new follower!!I put the link in my blog.I hope to win this fantastic prize!
Thanks and greetings
Hi _0/
I'm a huge fan of Aivie ^_^ She's so precious !! I love the works you have done, you're very talented.

Nice giveaway you have =} I´d like to participate in it, so please count me in.
BuyWoWAccount zei…
Those are fabulous giveaways! You are very creative!

Buy WoW Account
Susi zei…
Por favor cuenta conmigo para este magnifico y generoso sorteo........todo es precioso, y mas sabiendo que muchas de las cosas son recogidas por ti en la playa, cruzare los dedos, .
subo el enlace a mi blog.
Anarniel zei…
Beautiful giveaway! Please count me in!
lupita zei…
me encantaría participar, por favor, muy hermoso todo
monique zei…
Hoi Jollie,
Wat een supergiveaway!!!! Ik krijg al zin in de zomer als ik de foto bekijk. Tuurlijk wil ik graag meedoen aan jouw giveaway :-) Zet wel een linkje op mijn blog.
Liefs, Monique
elis zei…
I would love to participate in your summertime giveaway.
Oh ¡¡¡ Madre mia ¡¡¡ lo miro y lo lo puedo creer ¡¡ que bonito todo y que bonito quedaria en mi casita marinera¡¡¡ por favor cuenta conmigo para el sorteo y sobre todo muchas felicidades por tus seguidores y por tu precioso trabajo ¡ un saludo, Angeles ¡¡ cruzo los dedos ¡¡
Lara zei…
Jollie, wat een super mooie giveaway. Ik doe heel graag mee!
aroa zei…
me encanta, es precioso. Me gustaria poder participar. Gracias
Maria Ireland zei…
please count me in for your beautiful giveaway thank you :)
maria l. zei…
Una preciosidad de regalo me apunto
Linda zei…
hoi jollie, ik ben ook volger geworden. doe graag met met je mooie give away. krijg al helemaal zin in de zomer met dit strandthema groetjes linda
Valentina P. zei…
Hi i am a new follower!! Your giveaway is so beautiful can i partecipate!? i put the link on my blog!!
Unknown zei…
I would love to be in your giveaway, Your work is beautiful
Maria Jose zei…
Wonderful giveaway ! Please count me in...
miniaturista zei…
Gracias por este sorteo al que deseo apuntarme y probar la suerte.
Un abrazo
Unknown zei…
Lovely giveaway! Please count me in.
Lovely give away, die zou ik graag winnen.
Sjoukje zei…
Wat een mooie give away. Ik zou ´m ook zeker graag winnen.
Britt zei…
I want to be a part of your fine give-away
I put a link on my blog
Marver zei…
Tienes cosas preciosas, las cositas que regalan me encantan por que justo estoy haciendo la casa mediterranea, y me vendrian de maravilla, jaja muchas gracias
otterine zei…
The windchime is divine! I just made a stack of Coastal Living mini magazines, too! :D But, mine don't open.
julia zei…
Hola Jollie, tienes unas minis preciosas, y el sorteo me encanta, me gustaría poder participar, soy una nueva seguidora tuya,pongo tu sorteo en mi blog.
Caroline zei…
Hi Jollie, I am your newest follower and I am so glad I found your blog. I can't wait to check out more. Just wanted to say that your giveaway is darling and I love everything...gosh the talent out there in blogland is amazing. You will find your giveaway posted on my sidebar.
Plushpussycat zei…
Hi Jollie, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to follow your blog and to participate in your giveaway. Your prize is very special and pretty--I hope I win! :-)
Terelo zei…
Por favor cuenta conmigo, que encantan los trabajos que regalas, son una preciosidad.
Flor zei…
Jollie ¡Todo los regalos son preciosos!! Me gustaría mucho participar ( ;
Ahora mismo lo pongo en mi blog!!
Un beso
Peggy zei…
Wat een prachtige give-away. Je krijgt dan opeens zin in zon, zand en zee als je dat ziet. Ik zou heel graag meedoen! Dank je wel voor de kans om zo iets prachtigs te winnen.
Madeleine zei…
Hi Jollie, what a lovely giveaway I would love to participate so please count me in. I´ll put a link on my blog that you are welcome to visit on, Sweden
Heleni zei…
Hallo Jollie
Wat een byzondere giveaway. Ik ontdek het nu pas, kan ik nog meedoen? Ik zou het graag willen winnen...

groet Heleni
Brujita zei…
Wooowww pero que maravillosas miniaturas... ¡¡Son preciosaaaasss..!! Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo.. Subo el anuncio a mi blog...
How wonderfully summery!, I would love to join!
Anoniem zei…
Hola, ya tienes otra seguidora mas, felicidades por tu blog y seguidores, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, ahora lo pongo en mi blog, yo tambien hago un sorteo en mi blog, pasate, besos.
C zei…
Oh Jollie - what a wonderful give-away. I can just smell the sea air from here. Please include me in your giveaway. I am going to add a link on my blog. Best wishes, Carol :) x
lluna zei…
Hola Jollie!!! Cuenta conmigo para tu sorteo!!! Es un premio magnífico, como todas las cositas que haces!!! Besitos y te pongo el link en mi blog!!!
Patty zei…
Jollie!! What an incredible giveaway!! I would love to participate!!
Freubs zei…
Hoi Jollie, wat een prachtige give-away. Ik wil graag meedoen. Ik heb je link op mijn blog gezet.
auzilio zei…
Ya tienes una seguidora mas,que blog mas bonito,felicidades y me gustaria participar en tu sorteo.Saludos Auxi.
I love the seashell creations!! Count me in I will put it on my blog also
Inge zei…
Wow wat een mooie giveaway! Ik doe graag mee.
Groet, Inge
Kikka N zei…
Hi! Just found Your beautiful blog and joined to be Your follower. You have a Gorgeous Giveaway. I would like to join, Please count me in. I`ll put a link into my blo.
Federicasole zei…
Hi!what a wonderful creation!I will partecipate!I'm here:
greetings from Italy!
Peikko zei…
Hi Jollie and Aivie! We would also like to join your beautiful giveaway! Greetings from Pahtarova, Peikko and Auntie Troll
minis da cris zei…
olá jollie, i'm portuguese and i would like to join your giveaway. it's my first time i participate on a giveaway,your work it's lovely. kiss from cris (sory my inglish)
Eva zei…
Beautiful giveaway! Than you so much for create such amount of goodies.
I will punt your link in the side bar of my blog
Your Giveaway is amazing!!Please enter me in your drawing. I will put it on my blog!
ChariMini zei…
vivo en el pueblo de españa que mas lejos tiene el mar (en serio que es cierto)por eso aprecio tanto esos regalos de conchitas ,espero tener suerte un beso
Bárbara zei…
Hola Jollie !!! Hermoso lo que haces !! Me gustaria participar, soy nueva en esto. Estoy creando un blog, te invito cuando este terminado.
gracias y un beso desde neuquen, patagonia argentina
Katrina zei…
Hello, I am a new follower and I want take a part in you fantastick giweaway.

I wish you joyfull Easter.
carmen zei…
me gustaria mucho participar en el sorteo, voy a anunciarlo en mi blog
Sandra zei…
What a lovely giveaway! I have just discovered your blog through following sites that one of my new followers listed - and it was a nice surprise to find you at the end of it. I will mention you on my blog as well and will hope to be the fortunate person to win these lovely items to add to my lighthouse!
My Wee Life zei…
Ooh I've just come across your blog :) Please count me in on your wonderful giveaway - I can feel the sand on my feet!
Beautiful giveaway! The beach is my favorite place! Blessings, Kim
Rosa Caruso zei…
Partecipo.. Thank! :D
Unknown zei…
Oh what a wonderful giveaway.

Please count me im.

I will put you on my blog
Montse zei…
How lovely and creative! Please sign me in the give away.
Jollie zei…
Thank you all for your lovely comments on my give away! :)

Hugs Jollie
Wat een leuke give away,en wat een leuke site heb je.
Ik gaje in ieder geval volgen.
En natuurlijk wil ik ook wel meedoen.

groetjes Melissa
Hola soy nueva por el blog. Pero encantada de haberte encontrado.
Me apunto al sorteo. ok?
Ya esta publicado en el blog.
Leilani zei…
Hi Jollie, I found your blog through Chris P and joined right away. I see you have an amazing giveaway and i'd love to be a part of it. I have never won a giveaway so am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping.

Have a blessed day!


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