Could this be Aivie?
Remember that I wanted to bring my Fairy alive?
Well I have been collecting fairies for many many years now,
and I have one in my collection that looks like Aivie!
She was given to me years ago as a present.
I had her hanging in my room for a while
until one of my cats gave her a hard swing...
she dropped on the floor and she broke her arms :(
I kept her after that somewhere in the dresser.
And by coincidense I have found her back this week.
I do not believe in coinsidense, so I looked at her very closely...
She looks a bit sad, but has the cutest face!
Well she said to me It's no wonder that I look a bit sad!
I broke my arms and I don't have legs because I can only hang on a string!! Wouldn't you be sad??
For a week now she dangles next to my monitor
trying to convince me that she is Aivie.
I had doubts about that in the first place I have to admit!
But slowly the voice from Aivie inside my head has moved to her...
Now she can't stop talking to me while she's hanging on my desk lamp!
So yes, I have to say that this is Aivie :)
Here you can see that she was ment to be a 'dangling fairy' ;)
I promised her to give her some real arms and legs!
She is very exited about that ofcourse...
She looks more happy allready!! ;)
Let's be honest she can't go on living like this right?
And... may be some new clothes and hair too...
We will see ;)
Ik zou haar een totale metamorfose geven....maak er helemaal je eigen Aivie van!
Mini Hugs
von Sonja aus Namibia.
besitos ascension
Wat leuk dat je ook een Blogger-Blog hebt aangemaakt en weer erg creatief. (Zoals ik wel van je gewend ben).
Ik ben je 106e volger, VEEL HOOR!!
Liefs Eef Xxx
Ik ben benieuwd wat voor 'rebirth' je haar gaat geven. :-)