Update Kitchenfloor

Yesterday I cut the tiles of the kitchen floor. 
They still must be sanded a bit
because these are not exactly square tiles...

I'm still not sure...
a border or no border around it??
or just between the hall and the kitchen ...
What do you like best?

(click on the photos to enlarge)

This is with the borders around it.
On this one you can see it better...

This has just a border between the hall and the kitchen ...

I still don't know how the floor in the hall will be.
Or the same as this, or a pattern, or some other color.
I just wait with that for now...
first I want to see the wallpaper that I have ordered.

Thanks in advance for your opinions
on whether a border or no border around it 

Hugs Jollie


Eva zei…
Hi Jollie, I prefer with border aroun it, for me looks better :)
Have a nice Sunday!!

carmen zei…
si me permites, la pieza de borde puedes hacerla más ancha o más estrecha y eso te permite colocar las baldosas enteras, sin cortar, es decir te quedará el conjunto mejor rematado
Maria Ireland zei…
I also like it with the border round it. The tiles are lovely. Have a good Sunday. Hugs Maria
monique zei…
Hoi Jollie,
Ik zou ook de rand eromheen doen. Ziet er mooi uit. De tegels hebben een mooie rustieke uitstraling!! Ben benieuwd naar je vorderingen.
Ik zal nav jouw vraag op m'n blog eens wat foto's maken van mijn grachtenpand ;-)
Liefs van Monique
Sandra zei…
Hi Jollie, I like the tiles and also prefer it with the border around it. Unless of course you are going to tile the hallway as well in which case I'd just continue it straight through.
Hugs, Sandie
Eliana zei…
The tile floor is beautiful, great choice! The border is beautiful, but I prefer it without it!
Katie zei…
I love the border Jollie! Although it's going to be great with whatever you choose:)
The Old Maid zei…
Border looks good to me:)Whatever you will choose the floor is going to look great:)
Wow Jollie, what hard work cutting all these tiles and they look wonderful. I think the border will add wonders but you must decide for yourself, depending on how you arrange furniture and appliances.
Ascension zei…
A mi personalmente me gusta mas con el borde.
Pero seguro que cuando vayas poniendo y veas la composicion encontraras la mejor manera.
besitos ascension
Unknown zei…
I guess you have desided by now? I would prefer without the border. Looking forward to see the floor finished.
Jollie zei…
Thank you all so far for all your opinions... :-)
I still did not decide what it will be, but I believe I prefer it more without the borders...
BiWuBär zei…
It looks great in both versions, so whatever you choose, it will be fantastic. Personally I like it better without the border, but what would you think about a little compromise... Why not put the border on the wall instead of the floor? You often have this kind of borders as a protection for the walls when you clean the floor, don't you? I really hope I didn't add even more confusion... ;O)

It's going to be a great floor. I prefer without a border.
I like it without the border. But I'm more a simple rustic type of girl. Maybe you like more details. The tiles are looking fantastic! I don't think you can go wrong either way. Don't you hate it when you can't make up your mind!
Minteriors zei…
I agree with some of the other Followers...there is something "special" about having the border around the squares. It feels more complete, more pleasing, a little more up-scale. : )
Kathi zei…
It will be lovely no matter what you decide. Great work!
mijbil zei…
A little border is cute! :)
Hugs from Venice!
marlies zei…
Luxe probleempje, he? Ik vind t allebei wel mooi, maar daar heb je natuurlijk niks aan, ik ben ook altijd zo'n twijfelaar, maar ik vind de tegels wel heel mooi, kun je veel bij combineren.
* marlies

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