New Family Member
For a while I wanted a posable fashion doll,
(There is still a Momoko doll on my wish list ;-)
because I find the 1:6 scale size so cool!
And yesterday, while shopping groceries,
I was sold when I looked at this pretty girl...
(click on the pictures to enlarge)
I was so impatient when I got home
that I forgot to take a picture
when she was still neatly in the box 
So here she sits on top of the package lol ...
She's a Barbie Fashionistas Raquelle, Clutch Wave 2
But all that does not really matter for me.
The great thing of this Barbie Fashionistas series
for me is that they are easy posible 
(much like a Ball Jointed Doll).
I also bought some cute clothes for her ...
And this morning when Dimphy woke up, she met her ...
Dimphy: Hey ... Hello I am Dimphy and who are you?
Romy: How nice to see you Dimphy, I'm Romy.
As you can see on the pictures,
immediately they get along very well those two!
So... Dimphy has a new best friend... Romy! 
A Barbie house will not be build for now, that is way too large
to put in my own tiny house lol
A roombox might be... who knows
It seems very nice to me to make some clothes
and other goodies for Romy in scale 1:6 
Hugs, Jollie, Dimphy and Romy
Hugs, Drora