Am I Too Worried??
I always try not to worry too much, cause it is not good for me!
That goes for everyone and of course we all know that.
Cause most of the time we can't change a thing about it.
The last few days I am really concerned
with the problems that are going on here in Greece.
I don't know what will happen tomorrow...or the day after that!
at the moment every day seems to feel SO insecure...
I guess you are all aware of the economic mess that is going on here?
Don't ask me to explane it...
I don't want to think about it, if I am honest
but I run into discusions or tv programs all the time
and it is driving me crazy!
Just the fact that nobody knows how this will go on
and where it will end... if it ever does?
Until now it is only getting worse and worse and worse
for the 'normal' people in this beautiful country.
Because some others messed up real bad in the past!
Believe me...
It seems like a nightmare that we can't wake up from...
So maybe that is why I am not finding the inspiration
at the time to be creative...
Maybe I just worry to much at the moment
and it will surely pass by in a few days (I hope).
But sometimes I just can't help it!
So again I had so many plans but...
I did NOTHING today!
I went to my parents house to drink a coffee with them
and of course we talk a lot about the situation here in Greece.
But there is nothing we can do... than to wait on what comes next!
Worries or no worries, we just have to wait and see.
Well... at least my father made me VERY HAPPY today!!
I got a very useful gift from him!
A real stanley knive! :)
It is the spare one he had, so it is not new but what the heck!
I am SO happy with it!!!!
The other knive on the photo was the one that I was (trying) to work with.
Not a real power tool huh?
But I am sure that the stanley knive is just amazing to cut cardboard with :)
I am just not in the mood to try it out at the moment... :(
Maybe another coffee will give me a new boost ;) lol!
Hugs Jollie
If it helps anything: just take one moment at the time, try not to worry too much about the coming moments...I know it is easy to say but not so easy to live...
I really do hope that every morning after this the sun will shine brighter to you "in money"... :)
As we can't do anything about it on our level, the best is to try going on our lives, even though things may change for our lives, especially for you in Greece. Things are not that good in France too, especially concerning jobs.
Maybe try not to watch the news too often...
Pero si te digo, que no veas la tele o te agobirán. Los medios de comunicación piensan que lo único que importa es la política y para los políticos lo único importante es lo que cuentan los medios de comunicación. Pero hay muchas cosas más, la gente tiene otros interses, otros sueños, otras esperanzas....
Aunque no dejes de preocuparte, no decaigas. Besos.
Es angustioso ver que nadie hace nada para solucionarlo.
A mi me ayuda el hacer minis, para poder desconectar y no pensar.
Epero que en un futuro muyyyy proximo, podamos hacer un post en el cual decir que la cosa se va arreglando.
Muchos animos
besitos ascension
* marlies
Liefs en Sterkte, Eef Xxx