Full Moon...That is My Reality!
Thank you all so much for your comments on my last post.
It helped me a lot, cause if I am not feeling down
I agree with all of it what you are saying
and I just know deep down inside that you are right!
Sometimes we just need to be reminded of it I guess ;)
I am a person who does not listen to the politics
since many years I avoid the media as much as I can.
Fact still is that they are the ones who make
peoples lives misaeable!
So once in a while I guess it happens to all of us...
we lose ourselfs in this world they call 'reality'
Well some say it is a nice place, but I don't wanna live there!
If I feel down I go to a very quit peacefull place
not to think about problems, but to let go of them.
That is the only way (for me) that I can find myself again.
Mother nature gives me the love and comfort that I need
when I lose myself in a world build on lies...
Tonight I was sitting in my backyard for a while...
To feel the serenity and quietness she gives
It is full moon... my favorite nights! ;)
Her bright silver shining light on the clouds
that is what makes me feel happiness from deep down inside...
YES! I feel one with her... again! :)
And softly I can here her whisper to me:
'Everything is gonna be just fine, you'll see...'
'Tomorrow the sun will shine again...'
'That's what HE always does!'
Hugs Jollie
p.s. I banished the tv at least for a week from the media!
Just a funny movie or romantic one I will allow on it ;) lol!