Gifts from Anja

Anja (a very sweet lady from the Netherlands) 
is a reader of my Dutch blog
she completely fell in love with Dimphy, so she decided
to adopt a BJD (Ball Jointed Doll) like Dimphy is, 
but one size bigger (a LaTi Yellow).

If we have time, we email each other about 'our girls'
  often with pictures of her BJD called Sabeau, 
and that is so cute!
But a few weeks or so ago, she sent us just a lot of gifts!

A lot of miniature products of the Albert Heijn 
(Dutch Supermarket) campaign,
a wonderful self-knitted cardigan for Dimphy 
and two super cute gnomes ...

(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Dimphy: Ohhhh all is sooo cute!
But ehh ... is a bit big all those yummie things?

Jollie: I see you thinking, then there is a lot more in it 

Dimphy: Yes that is sooo right?

Jollie: Yes dear, but what do you say to keep them
for when you get a bigger sister?
Then you can surprise her with all sorts of goodies!

Dimphy: Yeaaaah! That's a good idea 
but may I have the gnomes?
And the cardigan? It's a bit too big, but is so comfy ...

Jollie: Yes dear of course you can.

Dear Anja and Sabeau,
Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts! 

Dimphy and me will be back soon with miniature making,
but... sometimes I also have to put some time in other things 

Last but not least... I just could not resist 
to take a wonderful picture this morning 
and share it with you all...
Perhaps because of the Greek Gouverment Selections 
that are going on today??

 My cat Zoë togeher with the tortoises drinking water,
(which are amazing miniatures themselfs 
when they are so young)... 

 They choose to respect each other 
and live together in Harmony! 

Hugs Jollie and Dimphy 


Fabiola zei…
Wonderful gifts. Dimphy is very happy and you too...
I like the last picture.
Bye Fbay
Plushpussycat zei…
Hi Jollie! Good to hear from you! Congratulations on your lovely gifts. Is Dimphy going to get a big sister? How exciting! Your photo of kitty and totoises is wonderful! xo Jennifer
Lovejoy Bears zei…
Hi Jollie and Dimphy,
What wonderful gifts,I adore that gorgeous cardigan and the gnomes are fantastic!! I hope Dimphy does get a bigger sister.
I LOVE the photo of your cat and the tortoises, It's so cute and has made me smile :)
vicky xxx
Eva zei…
Te ha llenado la despensa con tantos regalos ¡que bien!.
Muy buena la foto de los animales compartiendo el agua.
Un saludo, Eva
Maria Ireland zei…
Your gifts are beautiful. I love the cardigan its gorgeous. Oooo a big sister :) Your last picture is wonderful. We can learn a lot from animals :)
Hugs Maria
BiWuBär zei…
So good to see a sign from you in blogland... congrats on these lovely presents. As the others we we're listening carefully - a big sister??? Well, we'll see! In the meantime have fun with your gifts. And Dimphy... pssssst... come a little closer, dear... *whisper*... tell Jollie Doc and Bashful feel very lonesome and you need the other five dwarfs Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy and Dopey, too... ;O)

Flutterby + Birgit
Those are such sweet gifts. The cardigan is very cute. I love you cat and turtle. So sweet!
Ascension zei…
Enhorabuena Jollie por esta fantastiga amiga que tienes, son unos preciosos regalos.
Un bonita fotgrafia de ani males que comparten.
besitos ascension
Sans! zei…
Love that last pic :) and Dimphy is beautiful! Anja is incredibly generous!

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