Loedertje's 3th Birthday
Today I will introduce you to my cat Loedertje
because it is her 3th birthday...
There is really not so much to tell about her,
she's a quiet little girl but not so very friendly!
Her name Loedertje is a Dutch saying for 'a being' that is naughty
and not particularly nice as well!
I guess it means something like you call a Scoundrel
She is the type that is very much on her own, her only friend is Elwin.
She is very snappy to the other cats (especialy to Moortje)
and sometimes to me also.
Loedertje came to my house once upon a day 3 years ago.
I think she was about 8 till 12 weeks old.
She was very very hungry and oh sooo skinny...
After a good meal she decided to stay... of course! 
First I just wanted to keep her outside of the catrun,
but Elwin insisted that she could stay with him!
All the time he was sitting infront of the catrun door, screaming for her
and begging me to let her in...
Well what do I have to say here anyways huh?
Every cat person knows that you are owned by your cat(s),
you never own them LOL 
So they will tell you what you should do...
and of course you'll notice what they won't allow you to do!
That is how Loedertje came to live with us.
Elwin is her most dearest friend, that goes for both ways
he adores her too the little cat with attitude that she is lol!
Doesn't she look sooo cute with her black and white colors 
Well.. today is her 3th birthday
so here is a big and loud Happy Birthday!!!!
for Loedertje, my 'Cattitude Girl' 
Hugs Jollie
Liefs Syl
Ps ik heb het een beetje druk dus je mail kan ik nog even niet beantwoorden
c'est amusant , j'ai aussi une chatte noire et blanche qui a "un sale caractère "
Lovely day to you too:)
Greetings, piikko
Flutterby + Birgit
trish at Loganberrylane.blogspot.com
We have a cat who has a similar attitude as yours, LOL. Her name is Peekaboo.
She loves us, but on her terms. Secretly, I think she wants to cuddle, but she's still too afraid to let us pick her up. That's ok..we can be patient.
The gifts you gave Casey are beautiful! You are very talented!
She looks a lot like my Cleo! But Cleo is as sweet as she can be.... Maybe one day Loedertje will be sweet, too?! Happy Birthday purty kitty! :)
Happy Birthday Loedertje.