Surprise Gifts from Mona
Today I found another surprise in my mailbox!
Mona from Norway send me these beautiful wrapped gifts.
You all know Bea? Well she does not miss a thing...
Bea: "Ehhh ... Jollie it's a shame to unwrap those gorgeous packages... "
Jollie: "Is that right? As curious as you are?
Oh, ok then let them be for a while know Bea,
I think the packages themselves are beautiful to watch too."
Bea: "Well I would be very interested to know what's inside ... May I?"
Gail, the daughter of Bea, came hoppin' in immediately.
Well it is that father Harry and son Alfie are together
in the garden to investigate who know what ...
For it is true, that it is almost impossible to hide anything for the Meerkats.
They see and hear everything! 
In no time the girls had unpacked the presents together ...
Bea: "Look what a lot of lovely things!"
Gail: "Ohhh, how beautiful! I would love to have a pillow ...
The cat with fish bowl I like, or ehh or ehhh ...
the one where the cat is chasing the dog ha ha ha that one is so funny!"
Bea: "They are all very nice dear
but I think that Jollie can use them for herself, they fit in anywhere.
Jollie: "I am glad that you love these pretty gifts just as much as I do!
Well... there will definitely be a few that will get a place
in the Shabby Black Cat Boutique, but you may have one too Gail."
I will keep them safe for you in our storage boxes until you all
have your own place to live."
Mona thanks SO much for these beautiful gifts!
I am very very happy with all of them 
Hugs Jollie
I will use them for sure for the black cat boutique. Lucky me that you like that idea so much ;-)
Hugs Jollie
Sandra, gsolfot (Snippets from my Studio)